What I Want From A Man: Characteristics of a Good Man   

Studies on what I want from a man and women’s preferences for positive traits in men reveal that these depend on the type of relationship the women are seeking. Both short-term and long-term relationships require certain personality traits, but a long-term commitment requires more. What those attributes mean for the kind of relationship women want to be in defines what qualities women look for in men. Women want a relationship free from immature emotions and one that supports them, which is why they seek out mature and dependable men.

In this article, we will provide you few more important, must-have qualities that women look for in a man. They hope to spend the rest of their lives with qualities that aren’t as likely to fade with time, even though physical attractiveness and sexual chemistry are some of the early markers of compatibility.   

Qualities that I want from a man   

These are the following qualities that women want from a man


Respect for her decisions and people in general is something a woman looks for in a partner. When asked for advice, a good man can provide insightful advice. He respects and even supports your final decision, but he is aware that it is yours. Although the kind of men women want might not share your views, they will always support you. They are skilled at having polite conversations. And that’s what advances a relationship because you can always decide to have differing opinions.

Courageous Rather than Traditional:   

However, having faith in his girl is one of the things a woman looks for in a man. He is aware that she is capable of caring for herself. It’s as if a girl ought to be able to change a car tire on her own when she needs to. However, if something similar occurs while you are present, you ought to offer your assistance. Every woman wants a man who believes she can do things on her own and won’t do them for her. He acts in this way only because he loves you. He always takes pride in your competence.


The secret to a solid, long-lasting relationship is communication. That is why it is the most important attribute among what I want from a man. A man who understands the value of clear communication is undoubtedly a keeper. He will always get in touch with you to try to resolve issues. This demonstrates his effort on his part.  He is going to provide you with the facts and the truth, rather than abandoning you to your own devices and overanalyzing the situation.   


How a man treats his woman’s efforts is the easiest way for a woman to determine whether or not he is what she wants in a partner. Does he think you will take care of him? Does he ever express appreciation for you? You’re with the wrong guy if, when you do things for him, he doesn’t express his gratitude. A decent man wouldn’t be indifferent to you. He doesn’t count on you to take care of him. But when you do things for him, he appreciates your efforts. 

Excellent Listener:    

Everyone has something to say, but the right person for you is the one who is willing to hear you out. It matters to him what you think. He hears what you have to say all the time. He is always willing to hear what you have to say, so you won’t be scared to speak your mind in front of him.

A man who truly pays attention to you will recall the things you said to him many days ago and will sporadically bring them up at appropriate times. Speaking with him will be simpler for you. You can always find a friend to chat with. Listening to her and remembering what she says is one of the best things you can do for her.    

Humor Level: 

Women usually like men who can make them laugh.  Cleverness is a prerequisite for humor, and they also enjoy intelligence. According to a study on couple satisfaction, couples don’t need to share the same sense of humor. The fact that they find each other funny is what matters. When you are with a woman you like, use all of the little side jokes that make your friends laugh. It can help to provide her with a break from potential stressors. What I want from a man is a good level of humor.

Caring and thoughtful:

Some women are adapted to working on their own and meeting their own needs.  That being said, they still require a significant other, preferably one who will treat them with kindness and consideration. Therefore, when courting a woman, don’t undervalue considerate actions and encouraging words. Even though she doesn’t seem to “need” these, she will value them greatly. Your thoughtful gestures, such as sending her flowers, chocolates, a love note on a post-it note, or even just a delicious cup of coffee to enjoy at her desk while she works, will make her feel more connected to you.

A sincere and reliable person:

What I want from a man is support and honesty. Dependability is the most important trait a woman looks for in a man. She would want someone who would stand by her side, be dependable, and keep his word. An untrustworthy and dishonest man will consistently let his partner down and demonstrate that they have no regard for the partnership. 

Sexual Compatibility:   

Since sex plays a significant role in the majority of adult relationships, it influences the types of things that attract women. What I want in a partner is a man with whom I feel a sexual connection. You both need to be attracted to each other. Additionally, you ought to be open to evaluating and changing things in response to your partner’s wishes and cravings.


A man who shows concern and nurtures others is one of the attributes that women look for in a partner. She searches for someone who will take good care of her. Who supports her during their time together. A caring man is someone a woman can envision a future with. Furthermore, you can rely on them to support you if your partner is going through a difficult time.  Nurturing is also one of the qualities what I want from a man.   

Availability of Emotions:

Women prefer a man who is open and honest about his emotions over one who is distant and emotionally unavailable. It may seem strange or uncomfortable to fully and honestly express feelings. It’s critical to be able to show a vulnerable, emotional, and human side of yourself. What I want from a man is that they aren’t afraid to express their genuine emotions. And sure, occasionally, this entails sharing details of your past and engaging in conversation about past relationships.  

Level of maturity:

It is imperative to demonstrate to a woman that you are not just emotionally mature and capable of maintaining a conversation. Men have to show that they are mentally mature and able to act like adults when necessary. To demonstrate this, act logically, avoid overreacting, and work together to solve problems after careful consideration. However, letting your vulnerable side show is a sign of maturity.  So it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun and act silly together.  


A woman’s top priority for a man is to truly love her, above all other qualities. True love from a man makes women more beautiful. Mutual love and affection are the cornerstones of any wholesome relationship. What I want from a man is pure love.


When searching for a partner, a woman is drawn to specific characteristics that only a man can offer. However, she has certain standards for her partner that are essential to any happy, long-lasting partnership. A mature and trustworthy partner indicates a relationship that will allow both parties to grow. It will provide a solid basis for all the ups and downs that life will bring. Women don’t need partners who put their efforts into trying to show off how heroic, manly, or strong they are. All they ask for are men who can ensure that the spark of romance never goes out. Who will meet them where they are, and who will treat them fairly?


What makes a good man?

With a strong moral compass guiding him, he behaves with justice, compassion, and integrity. He accepts accountability for his deeds, thinks about other people’s well-being, and aspires to improve the lives of those around him.  

What does a girl desire from a partner?

Women want their men to be attractive, not just in terms of appearance but also in terms of their actions and ideas. Maintain good personal hygiene, be witty, show chivalry, and have a pleasant disposition. Above all, ensure that honesty is the foundation of your relationship.  

What four qualities do I want in a man?    

Here are the four essential elements, that I want from a man: safety, trust, equality, and respect. Each of these elements is constructed as much through deeds as words and can show up in any relationship in either a healthy or unhealthy way.   

Physically, what does a girl want from a guy?  

Men with a high degree of facial symmetry, masculine facial dimorphism, upper body strength, broad shoulders, a relatively narrow waist, and a V-shaped torso are often attractive to heterosexual women who are shorter than they are.

Regarding a man, what do you want?  

One understanding man: In an established, mature relationship, a woman wants to be in the company of someone who gets her. You feel as though you have someone who fully understands you for who you are on the inside and outside.

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