Toxic Relationship Meaning: A Complete Overview


Any relationship that leaves you feeling attacked, denigrated, misunderstood, or unsupported is toxic. When any aspect of your health is at risk, including psychologically, physically, or emotionally, a relationship is toxic. Fundamentally, any relationship that eventually makes you feel worse rather than better has the potential to become toxic. Any setting, including the boardroom, the playground, and the bedroom, can harbor toxic relationships.

For instance, a bipolar person going through a mixed or depressive episode may be less able to maintain emotional stability than others, which could make them a more convenient target for toxic individuals. On the other hand, toxic people can harm anyone. This article will explore the meaning of toxic relationships in detail and also define some types and signs.

What does a toxic relationship mean?

Many of us go into the dating scene without even realizing how toxic many of our preconceived notions about relationships are. So let’s have a toxic relationship first.

Relationships become toxic when one or both parties place a higher value on love than on respect, trust, and affection.

Some may find this absurd, but love shouldn’t be the justification for continuing a relationship because it can impair our judgment in these other crucial areas. You will put up with being treated like a doormat if you value the love you receive from a relationship more than the respect you receive. If you value love more, you’ll put up with lying and cheating if you have faith in the partnership. 

Types of Toxic Relationships

It’s crucial to remember that poisonous relationships are not just found in romantic partnerships. They occur in friendship groups, families, and workplaces. If the toxicity isn’t properly managed, it can be very stressful.

1. When unsuitable actions occur:

Toxic environments are caused by people who are always complaining, making negative comments, and being generally negative. Often, lying, unhealthy competition, and perfectionism are examples of other toxic traits. Additionally, an individual may allow their fears to bring out the worst in them.

2. When one or both individuals are not self-aware:

People occasionally don’t realize how negatively they affect other people. It’s also possible that they are unaware of more healthful communication techniques. They probably don’t read social cues well enough to recognize when they’re annoying or upsetting people.

3. Poisonous, overly reliant partner

An overly reliant spouse shies away from self-determination. In the end, you would have to make all the decisions and take accountability for anything that goes wrong.

4. Customer

Those toxic partners who get everything they want from you are known as users. Your energy will be greatly depleted by such partners, and even if they do something for you, it will cost you.

5. The irritable

It’s challenging to interact with a partner who has a bad temper because they frequently lose their composure. You may not be ready to be on the receiving end, and you won’t be able to gauge when they will become enraged.

6. Possessive, toxic spouse

Being envious of the people in your life makes a possessive partner happy since they see it as a sign of love. Such a partner will question you to establish control and dominance. 

10 Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Knowing the signs of a toxic relationship will enable you to identify whether you’re in one and take action to get out of it. A bad relationship can have many different characteristics, but we’ve narrowed it down to the 10 early warning signs of a toxic relationship that happen most frequently.

1. Adverse force

When you are in a toxic relationship, you become extremely tense, furious, and angry around your partner. This can cause negative energy to build up in your body and eventually turn into hatred for one another. You can become exhausted by negativity in every area of your life. You become emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted by negativity. Although we must deal with this negativity, you and your partner ought to provide a break from that kind of pressure.

2. You can’t be yourself around them

You’re most likely putting a lot of stress on your life if you find yourself altering your speech or behavior around your partner out of fear of criticism or mockery. According to Glass, this can also appear as feeling unhappy, in control, and unattractive. If you don’t feel like your best self around your partner, whether or not that’s intentional self-deprecation, then something has to be addressed.

3. You simply don’t feel happy anymore

Although it is impossible to be happy in a relationship at all times, your partner should make you happier overall. They ought to give you a sense of empowerment, involvement, joy, and competence in all that you choose to accomplish. They should support you in rebuilding and offer hope that things can turn out the way you believe they ought to, which brings you happiness.

4. You don’t have good communication skills

A toxic partner will want you to know exactly what they want without you having to read their mind. An unhealthy relationship partner will anticipate when they need a hug or a conversation. They prefer a red drink over a white one, and when they want a yes, this is one of the telltale signs of a toxic relationship, meaning that the incessant pressure to predict and guess correctly leads to severe stress.

5. You begin to lose friends

Your friends are busy wondering what is wrong with you while you are still attempting to identify and fix the problems in your toxic relationship. Should your relationship transform you, it ought to only enhance your identity. A toxic relationship may be indicated if you feel as though you are losing yourself and your friends or that you no longer know who you are. If your relationship is toxic and causing you harm on an emotional, physical, or mental level, you should pay attention to the signs listed above.

6. Absence of consistency

The foundation of a stable relationship is reliability. Among the bothersome behavioral patterns are missing appointments and not returning calls or texts. You may feel completely dependent on your partner as a result of other actions. An untrustworthy spouse will yell at you, shut up, and leave the room, leaving you to deal with the guilt of being deserted. You will want to withdraw and defend yourself if you don’t know how your partner will respond in certain circumstances. Beware of toxic personality traits that can make you feel even more alone in a relationship than you would if you were single.

7. Lack of mutual assistance

One of the biggest advantages of being in a relationship is probably having your partner’s support. You cannot get that kind of support from friends, family, or workers because they are not able to have the same level of intimacy with you as your partner. When you’re feeling low, your partner will lift your spirits, listen to your issues, and offer both emotional and physical support.

This is a crucial component of any happy partnership. If your partner is no longer understanding and you don’t feel like you can confide in them or ask for help, you are missing a lot. If enough time has passed and nothing has changed, you might begin to believe that you are not deserving of this kind of help and care. 

8. Restricting actions

In a relationship, a toxic person could feel the need to dominate the other person. Here, there is an imbalance of power, usually due to one person’s self-serving dominance over another. Having a constant need to know where you are and making judgments about what you wear or do are examples of controlling behaviors. When something doesn’t go their way, a toxic person might always want it that way. They might even demand that you spend all of your free time with them, which would keep you apart from your loved ones, rob you of your independence, and prevent you from engaging in other activities.

9. Putting your needs last

Individual needs and expectations are inevitably brought up when discussing relationships. A partner would need to be a reliable source of advice or be able to make them laugh. Some would turn to their spouse for consolation and assurance. Some of the emotional needs must be addressed for the relationship to endure, even though you shouldn’t count on them to satisfy them all. The partner in an unhealthy relationship shows no willingness to make concessions or be there for you.

10. Minimizing you in public

In public, you can effectively demonstrate your dominance over your partner in several ways. It can cause you the most pain and leave you feeling embarrassed and ashamed. In toxic relationships, one partner usually asserts their dominance and superiority at all times, taking advantage of any chance to do so, even if it means talking down to you in public.


You don’t have to watch as your relationship with your partner deteriorates because toxic communication and behavior patterns can erode the foundations of your partnership. A relationship therapist can assist you and your partner in identifying the root causes of relationship toxicity and in exploring constructive, caring methods of communication and problem-solving when you both want to make a change.

Therefore, you cannot wish someone’s toxicity away from them. You can choose to stay with them or leave; they are who they are. Nobody is changed only by the passage of time; rather, it is our efforts that bring about change. If you choose to go, make sure you are safe and secure before moving forward with any further plans. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a toxic relationship fixable?

Depending on the circumstances and the commitment of both parties, the level of mutual effort and willingness to change in a toxic relationship may be improved. Open communication, boundary setting, and addressing underlying issues are necessary. It’s crucial to understand that not all toxic relationships are fixable and that the priority should always be one’s safety and well-being.

Can friendships and family relationships be toxic?

Indeed, friendships and family ties can also be toxic; they’re not just reserved for romantic partnerships. Paying attention to patterns of persistent disrespect, manipulation, emotional abuse, excessive control, continuous criticism, a lack of support, and feeling depleted or diminished after interacting with them can help you identify whether you are in a toxic relationship with friends or family.  

What should one watch out for when entering into a new relationship?

A person who exhibits excessive jealousy or possessiveness, disregard for boundaries, controlling behavior, dismissive or disrespectful behavior toward others, inconsistent or unreliable communication, or a refusal to accept responsibility for their actions should be avoided when beginning a new relationship. 

Can someone become toxic later in a relationship? 

Someone can become toxic later in a relationship. Love bombing, which is an excessive display of affection and attention at the beginning of a relationship, can be a warning sign. It is often used as a manipulative tactic by toxic individuals to gain control. Once the initial phase subsides, their true toxic traits, such as emotional manipulation, control, and abuse, may emerge.