30 Symbols of Love & Their Meanings

This article is about symbols of love in a relationship. Sometimes a couple’s love feels so important to them that they wish to use a fitting symbol to symbolize it. Here is a sample of countless love symbols in different cultures to locate love messages that speak most to your heart. You’re sure to discover symbols of love on this list that best expresses your love for your lover, regardless of how long you’ve been together or how new your relationship is. There are many significant symbols for love throughout history, ranging from hearts and roses to doves and infinity signs. In this blog post, we explore the diverse expressions and symbols of love around the world.

Physical Symbols of Love   

Given that many individuals express their love through gestures and activities that include the body, it is not unexpected that there are so many symbols of love that are based on the human body. 

symbols of love

  • The Heart

The heart is still a timeless representation of strong emotions and passions, even though it is now understood that the brain is the site of mental activity such as emotions. Maybe it’s because we feel lighter and wider in the chest when we are really happy, or maybe it’s because our hearts beat quicker when we see someone we love. The god Cupid was thought to shoot arrows that pierce people’s hearts with love as far back as ancient Greek mythology. The heart has been a representation of strong emotions in many cultures throughout history and is still seen in popular culture, literature, and art. This makes it understandable why the heart has endured as a symbol of love.

  • Interlocked Hands

A potent symbol of love is two hands clasped together. It’s easy to see two people uniting in love. It could bring to mind early romantic relationships for a lot of us when just holding hands can feel like a huge accomplishment.  Linked hands can also represent love that endures beyond death. Victorian-era tombstones occasionally depicted two hands joined, suggesting that the living were still clutching close to their departed loved ones. This interpretation is not just applicable to passionate love. Clasped hands are another common way that individuals express their deep affection and concern for friends and family.

  • A Kiss

When we’re not close enough to experience an actual kiss, the idea of a lip puckering up for one can serve as a substitute. Whether it’s a little peck on the cheek or a long, passionate kiss on the lips, kissing is a common way to express affection. Because the lips are so sensitive and stimulating, they typically cause a great deal of nerve activity, so it can seem quite intimate. That being said, kissing does not seem to be a common human behavior. The kissy-face emojis many of us use to represent affection and love

  • Hugging

You never stop hugging your loved ones to show them you care. Just that! That is a tangible way to show someone you care. Our bodies create oxytocin, also known as “a messenger molecule” or “a cuddle chemical,” whenever we hug someone. This hormone’s secretion causes us to feel at peace, which in turn makes us feel satisfied. Establishing a sense of trust is another function of oxytocin. Because of all of this, giving a hug is a tangible way to show affection.

  • Nose touching  

The nose of a human breathes in and out to sustain life in the body. As a result, putting your nose to your partner’s nose allows you to see into their eyes, which makes it a very private gesture. Love and life are linked by the nose because it is a life-stirring organ as well.

Symbols of Love from Nature: 

In many cultures, symbols have been used to represent love, affection, and eternal life. To express these intense feelings, people have utilized love symbols like the maple leaf, the infinity symbol, and the love knot. Perhaps this is because we are drawn to the idea that love is an innate component of everything around us. Even trees, animals, and other aspects of nature can be viewed as symbols that reflect eternal love. 

symbols of love

  • Birds:

It may be because of this that so many birds are depicted as symbols of love. Sometimes the bliss of love can make us feel as though we are just a few seconds away from taking to the sky.

  • Doves   

They served as a symbol for the goddess of love, Aphrodite, in Greek mythology.

  • Swans  

Swans are a fantastic representation of love since they select partners who may remain together for years or the remainder of their lives. They occasionally press their beaks together to create a heart-shaped shape with their long necks and heads when they are courting.

  • The paradise birds  

These birds may remind us of our passionate desires because of their flamboyant plumage, which they use to make grandiose mating displays.

  • Hummingbirds  

Hummingbirds are regarded as symbols of love in certain Native American cultures. They remind us of the carefree feeling we have when we fall in love with the way they dart through the air and hover above gorgeous flowers.

  • Flowers

Beautiful flower petals might serve as a fitting metaphor for your partner’s beauty. In classical Rome, brides were frequently portrayed entering the homes of their new husbands adorned in floral garlands. There are still some traditional marriages that follow this tradition. Because each species of flower has a unique meaning, flower garlands have become an essential component of romantic gestures and expressions throughout Europe. 

  • Red rose  

This is another symbols of love crimson is typically associated with passion and desire, perhaps because people with certain skin tones blush crimson when they get excited. Red roses have been a symbol of romantic love for millennia.

  • Sunflower  

Because sunflowers turn their “faces” toward the sun as it rises in the sky, a happy sunflower might be seen as a symbol of love.

  • Primrose  

Do you want to express your need for me in the language of flowers? That is the meaning of a vibrant bouquet of primroses.

  • Peony   

Peonies are popular for bridal bouquets because they represent a joyful and long-lasting union.

  • Seashell

When we go on a date, I always attempt to wow people by telling them that my first name is Heaven and my second name is Seashell. I would continue by saying that their experience of loving me would be extremely beautiful and exquisite. Returning to one of the most well-known symbols of love, Aphrodite is invariably seen clutching a seashell in Greek mythology. In the same way that the hard shell protects the pearl, lovers tend to protect one another. It represents the guarded quality of genuine romance.

  • Leaf Maple:

Sweet syrup is made from maple leaves, which were thought to symbolize love in ancient China and Japan. It illustrates how, like the sweet nectar of maple trees, the beauty of the heart goes hand in hand with the sweetness of love. People in North America used to place maple leaves at the foot of their beds to ward off demons and attract sex. 

  • An Apple

In Chinese culture, apples are associated with tranquility and, when in blossom, with profound love and respect. In the seventh century, it was customary for newlyweds to share an apple on their wedding day as a symbol of their unending love and marriage. In Chinese culture, giving someone an apple is equivalent to giving them red flowers in admiration.

Handcrafted Symbols of Love  

Humans have created things that contain symbols of love. This could bring to mind the notion that we intentionally cultivate enduring love with our spouses.

  • ring

Many of us desire profound love to last forever when we experience it. A ring, which has no beginning or end, can be a very meaningful symbol of love for this idea of unending love. Although the Roman Empire is credited with popularizing the use of rings as marriage symbols, the custom of lovers exchanging rings may be considerably older. Ancient Egyptian scrolls showed couples making rings out of reeds for one another. Many iterations of this concept have developed since then.

  • Candles

Using candles to create a romantic atmosphere is common. The faint, flickering light adds an element of mystery and intrigue. Additionally, it can cause our pupils to enlarge, simulating the bodily manifestations of enthusiasm and longing.  A candle can be included in the scene or used as a romantic symbol of love. Flames are frequently used to symbolize the inner warmth that results from intense love. Furthermore, there is a deep metaphor for maintaining love while one’s partner is away in the idea of “keeping a candle burning” to light someone’s way home.

  • Knots

People who are in love are often thought of as being bound together, like two ropes, cords, or threads bound together with a knot. For instance, in a custom known as “handfasting,” the hands of the bride and husband were tied together in several pre-Christian Celtic cultures.  This act, which has significant symbolic importance and has become a common wedding ritual, was intended to represent their unwavering love and dedication to one another.

  • The harp

The idea that harps are symbols of love originated in Europe. Given that it originated with the ancient Celts, who played the harp with lyrical poetry, it is one of the Celtic emblems of love. In Celtic culture, it is referred to as the bridge of love that unites heaven and earth. The harp’s strings are thought to resemble a ladder, signifying our ascent to more advanced levels of love. One of the religious objects in the Bible that represents love is the harp. It is stated that King David showed the Lord his unwavering love and devotion by playing the harp for him.

  • The Ankh

This is a symbol of love from ancient Egypt. It is also referred to as the crux ansata, the Christian cross of life, or “the key of everyday life.” Typically, ankh-wearers are expecting their first child. According to some academics, the extended line signifies the penis, the male counterpart, while the loop at the top represents the female genitalia. Thus, one of the bizarre representations of love is when those two holy entities unite to form a union.


Symbols of love are things, expressions, or deeds that stand in for the emotion of love.

Many civilizations throughout the world have symbols to symbolize love, ranging from the east to the west and the north to the south. Symbols are a faster way to express emotions than spoken or written words. Above all, symbols are universally comprehensible, irrespective of linguistic or literacy differences. Different emotions are connected to different love symbols. If someone wants to attract a specific facet of love or the sensation of love overall, they can concentrate on a particular love symbol. Love symbols are an exciting way to convey intense feelings that would otherwise make the world around us very serious and emotional.

FAQS About Symbols of Love 

What makes the heart a love symbol?   

In Roman times, the leaves of a now-extinct plant called silphium were thought to be an essential ingredient in a love potion, and this is where the heart shape originated.

What is the text’s hidden love symbol?

Enter “\” and “3” to create the heart symbol, “<3”. In case you’re utilizing a computer, grasp “Shift” and hit “<“. Lastly, hit “3.”   

Which color is associated with love?

Red is a strong color that evokes strong feelings and is associated with desire, passion, and love.   

Is the color pink a symbol of love?

Pink is a soft red color that is commonly connected to romance and love. Maybe because of the associations people have in their early years, it is frequently labeled as a feminine color.

What does the forbidden love sign represent?

By the 18th century, the rose had come to represent forbidden love. The flowers served as a means of communication between lovers separated by their civilizations.


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