Parenting Tips and Tricks For the 21 Century


Parenting is not a defined process, nor is it a course of study. It is neither a training program nor a business project; parenting is a natural bond between you and your child. It is filled with moments of joy, laughter, happiness, and sometimes a lot of challenges. There are no hard and fast rules; there is no one size fits all. Parents of a child with special needs face different challenges than parents of a normal child. Similar is the case with a difficult child.  In this article, we can help you with some informative parenting tips and tricks to make your journey easier.      

Tips For Effective Parenting 

A good parent is not perfect; no one is. The best and most effective parent also makes mistakes. But the only difference is that they learn from them. They don’t follow the same patterns; rather, they understand their mistakes and opt for the ways that are best for their child. Just as every child is different, has different demands, and is unique in its way, every parent is also different.

Everyone has their way and style of parenting. So long as it is working for your family, there is nothing wrong with it. A good parent can only be identified by his or her intent. When a parent is sincere with their children, they will do their best for them.

Below are some parenting tips on how to be a good parent           

  • Be A Good Role Model 

Children usually don’t listen to what we say; rather, they act like us. Usually, parents are the center of the world for children. For them, their parents are the wisest. Children learn through imitation. Don’t tell your child what to do or what not to do; rather, act that way and walk the talk. Your child needs a role model, and who else will be a better person than you? They will see and act that way. 

  • Spend Quality Time With Your Child

Make sure to spend undivided, quality time with your kid. Your child needs your attention. And yes, loving them unconditionally and spending time with them won’t spoil your child. Don’t let people fool you. Your child craves your attention. Create your own quality time. Read books, make warm memories, play games, and try to avoid screens during family time. Give your undivided attention to your child so he feels seen and appreciated. Decide any time of the day, let your kid choose any activity, and spend that time together with no interruptions.

  • Treat Your Child With Respect

Never disrespect your child, even if they have made a mistake. Yes, assertively correct them. They learn from you, so if you disrespect them, they may consider it normal. When you respond to these situations or any other difficult situation in an abusive or aggressive manner, your child will never be emotionally capable of resolving conflicts. They’ll always end up being abusive and disrespecting others.

  • Teach Them To Be Grateful

Make sure you teach gratitude to your child. It is one of the most important attributes you can instill in your child. A grateful person knows the value of things and the people around them. Moreover, a grateful child will never be spoiled, and he will never take anything for granted. Therefore, he will enjoy small moments.

  • Be An Active Parent

Try to be an active parent. Make sure you are involved in your child’s life. Please give him space to make mistakes so he can learn from them. There is a very famous saying that says to do parenting with one eye closed. Try to be a haven for your child so if he is stuck in any problem,  he comes to you. Observe the patterns in your child. Make sure he is the one solving those problems but under your supervision. He will also learn problem-solving methods through this.

  • Exercise Patience

There are many circumstances where your child is being unreasonable, and he is being tough to deal with. Don’t let that tension and anxiety take control of you. Rather, try to stay calm. Be patient during that time. You are not at the same level as your child. If your child is shouting or crying unreasonably, there is no need to shout. Understand that you are the parent here; you are the mature one. Don’t shout or let emotions take over. Rather, analyze the situation. Respond to it instead of reacting. Try to understand your child’s needs. See, why is he behaving this way and acting accordingly?

  • Be Open Minded

Your child will ask a lot of different questions. Some of them might be difficult to answer, and some might be inappropriate; however, don’t overreact in that case. Try to stay calm. I appreciate their questioning. Everyone is a born critical thinker; it is the parents who suppress the thoughts and ideas of children by criticizing and punishing them for questioning. 

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Setting Foundation For Effective Parenting

Raising a child is one of the most challenging jobs, for which we might feel unprepared. Parenting is a journey with lots of ups and downs. Always try to do purposeful parenting. Your children are your biggest project. You can mold them however you want. Make long-term goals. Try to understand the reason behind your child’s behavior. The 6 P’s are known for purposeful parenting.

  • Purposeful

Make sure the steps and strategies you are using have a purpose behind them. It can be both a long-term and a short-term goal. Try to learn from your actions and reactions in different situations as well. When you’re wrong, accept your mistake and apologize to your child. This will teach them humility.

  • Protective

Always check whether the basic needs of your child are being met. This includes both tangible and intangible needs. Tangible needs include food, water, clothing, shelter, etc., while intangible needs are your child’s emotional needs like love and a sense of security.

  • Progressive

Your child will grow with time. His behaviors, actions, and choices will evolve as he grows. Make sure you also progress with that. Make your parenting flexible so your child still feels connected

  • Playful

Children mostly learn from playful people. Try to indulge yourself in different games with your children. Encourage them to play and to be involved in different activities. This will help them be creative.

  • Personal

Show your child unconditional love. Don’t limit it to certain factors like grades, performance, etc. He is your child. He will learn at his own pace. Tell your children that you love them and that you will be there for them even if they fail. Linking love with any achievement also affects the self-esteem of the child. This can also lead to your child not accepting failure.

  • Positive

Try to appreciate the things around you. Be it nature, the sunset, or the people around you, when your child sees you have a positive outlook on life, he will naturally appreciate the smallest moments in his life.


Parenting is a very fulfilling and rewarding journey with its own set of challenges. The importance of parenting can and should never be underestimated. It is a long journey with a lot of difficult situations, many moments of pure happiness and joy, and much more. We have discussed some parenting tips and tricks that might make this challenging journey of yours much easier. By practicing effective communication, setting healthy boundaries, spending quality time with your children, and being mindful of your actions and reactions, you can raise empathetic, grateful, compassionate, and responsible children who are the future of the world.

FAQs About Parenting

Q: What is the best parenting method?

Ans: There is no best or worst model, but it depends on the needs of your child. Every child has some special and different needs, which you have to cater to as a parent. But here are some effective parenting tips and tricks:

  • Try to boost your child’s confidence 
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Adopt healthy communication 
  • Make a gratitude journal 
  • Be a good role model 
  • Be flexible in your style of parenting
Q: What is the golden rule of parenting?

Ans: It is said to “always be the kind of person you want your kids to be.”

We have discussed earlier that a child learns through imitation. You are a role model for your child. He will try to copy you as a good example for him to follow.

Q: What are the 3 F’s of positive parenting?

According to this rule, parenting should be firm, friendly, and fair. There should be a firm set of rules that should be followed. Parenting should be friendly enough so your child can discuss his problems with you, and the punishment in the case of some major mistake should be fair. Your child should know what to expect. Don’t be unreasonable.

Q: How can I be the best parent?

Parenting is not a race that you want to win, nor is it a competition where you will be awarded as the best parent. To be the best parent, you need to understand your child’s needs, both physical and emotional. Fulfill his needs and do purposeful parenting. Adopt different techniques and methods based on your child’s requirements, and you will surely be a good parent. Make your intent clear, and you will automatically understand many other things.

Q: Who is a successful parent?

Ans: A successful parent is the one who corrects harmful behaviors, character attributes, and worldviews. He or she guides the child toward the correct path and teaches him to be a good and responsible human being. Constructive punishment is also necessary for the upbringing of the child. This helps make him responsible for his actions. It will make him evaluate his actions before doing anything.