30 Best Narcissism Traits, Signs, Disorders And Treatments


In popular culture, narcissists are often associated with being overly self-assured, and the term “narcissist” is frequently used to describe these individuals. In addition, there’s a growing awareness that narcissistic traits are becoming more prevalent globally, particularly among youth, despite the majority of psychological research contradicting this belief. It is appropriate to see narcissism as a spectrum. In the population, the narcissism traits are normally distributed, with most individuals scoring in the middle and a small number at either extreme. This article will examine the best narcissism traits, signs, and disorders and how to deal with them.

What is the difference between pathological narcissism and normal narcissism?

Rare is pathological narcissism, also known as a narcissistic personality disorder. Since clinicians began measuring it, the estimated prevalence of 1 percent of the population has remained unchanged. An individual with narcissism traits is suspected of having this disorder when his or her everyday functioning is hindered by these traits. Relationship problems usually result from this dysfunction because the pathological narcissist lacks empathy. The pathological narcissist naturally sees everyone else as inferior because they believe they are superior, and they may become intolerant of criticism or inquiries.

What signs of narcissistic personality disorder are present?

The acronym “SPECIAL ME” can help you recall the nine NPD symptoms.

  • Obsession with success, beauty, or power 
  • Rightful
  • It can only be with significant or unique individuals
  • Self-serving interpersonal exploitation
  • Haughty
  • Absent compassion
  • Be Respected 
  • Feeling or assuming that others are jealous of them  

10. Sings of Narcissism Traits  

narcissism traits

1. Your Ambition Is Unrestrained

Aiming high and exerting significant effort to reach those goals is one thing.  To think you are destined for greatness is something entirely different. Grandiose assumptions like that are a classic sign of narcissism traits. Narcissists think they are members of an elite class that should only receive the best because they are inherently special. “They fantasize about how much more powerful they will be, how much more beautiful they will be, and how much richer they will be.” They might even make fun of people they don’t think belong in the same exclusive club and become fixated on status symbols, such as the perfect stroller or pair of shoes.

2. Focus on Envy

Another manifestation of narcissistic behavior is jealousy. While envy of others is a common emotion for many people, narcissists can completely absorb this emotion. They might be critical of other people’s possessions or luck all the time. They may firmly believe that they are the object of envy in others. Some narcissists actively try to associate with wealthy or high-status individuals by using this drive to get closer to them.  Envy at work leads narcissists to either steal or minimize the efforts of their colleagues. A narcissist may put little effort into a project. However, the narcissist could feel entitled and think that their name should be at the top of a project. 

3. Show No Consideration for Others

Narcissists often have manipulative tendencies and take advantage of other people to further their own goals. Close emotional ties are formed between friends and family members by people with NPD, and they use these connections to further their interests and sense of significance.  Though it varies greatly, this kind of manipulation can involve:

  • Marked fluctuations in mood
  • Heated disputes
  • There is a need to place the blame elsewhere  

In extreme situations, a perceived slight by the narcissist may cause them to become irate towards others. For instance, if a member of the narcissist’s family falls ill, the narcissistic traits may act cruelly or neglectfully, depending on the situation. Their lack of empathy makes it hard for them to recognize other people’s suffering.

4. Feeling of Right and Possession

Perceiving oneself as superior to others and deserving of special treatment, believing that rules do not apply to them, and expecting others to follow their wishes are common signs of narcissism traits.

5. Manipulative Actions

The tendency to be manipulative or controlling is another characteristic of narcissism traits. A narcissist will initially make an effort to win your approval and impress you, but in the end, they will prioritize their own needs. Narcissists will go to great lengths to maintain control over others by putting them at a distance. They might even use other people as leverage to achieve their personal goals. 

6. Absence of boundaries

Narcissists are unable to distinguish between themselves and you. They appear immature, thinking that everything is theirs, that everyone feels and thinks the same way they do, and that everyone shares their desires. When they hear “no,” they are startled and deeply offended. A narcissist will do everything it takes to get what he wants from you, whether it be by persistence, bribery, demanding, pouting, or rejection.

7. Everyone Else Is to Blame

According to Very Well Mind, shaming and blaming are two crucial instruments in the narcissist’s manipulation toolkit. It is with these toxic twins that the narcissist maintains power. By humiliating their partner, the narcissist elevates themselves in their relationships. For the victim, it’s always a one-up situation. The narcissist will stop at nothing to retake control if the victim manages to tip the scales in any way. The narcissist gains this authority by:

  • Being impolite,
  • By demeaning someone,
  • Through the use of cruel jokes,
  • By critiquing
  • Through undermining.

For instance, the person who is insecure about their weight might choose to ignore the joke and be direct, or they might become the target of the narcissist’s fat jokes. 

8. Shamed

Narcissists don’t feel guilty because they don’t think their actions truly affect other people, and they always think they are right. However, they are very ashamed. Shame is the emotion that arises when one believes that there is something terrible or fundamentally flawed about oneself.  All of the insecurities, fears, and rejected characteristics that the narcissist is continuously trying to hide from everyone, including himself, lie in a deeply repressed part of him. The narcissist traits are deeply embarrassed by all of these rejected emotions and ideas.  

9. Always, there are strings attached

Gifts have conditions attached, as victims who are aware of the narcissist’s tactics are aware. They never give something merely to have something. Giving and receiving are the two main purposes of gifts, material or immaterial. The narcissist always ensures that the gift’s recipient is aware of who gave it to them. Additionally, there is an unwritten deal with the narcissist. Later on, the narcissist will pick up their collateral.

10. The Narcissist Is Lost in a Dream World 

A narcissist frequently harbors grandiose illusions. They conjure up intricate illusions about their prosperous and wonderful lives. They anticipate that others will share and validate their illusions. The fantasies of the narcissist might be anything from:

  • Richer and wiser than anybody else, 
  • More attractive and gifted than anyone else
  • A more important consideration

Covert narcissists will fabricate tales about unrealized events to justify these delusions. They mix it up with movie stars, millionaires, and governors in the narcissist’s world. Loving admirers drop to their feet. The narcissist goes on an offensive whenever and anywhere someone challenges their irrational sense of superiority.

30 Narcissism Traits

Everybody has, at some point in their lives, struggled in a relationship. These interpersonal issues can be with a friend, spouse, parent, sibling, cousin, manager, boss, or any other type of relationship. They can also be mild to extremely toxic, dysfunctional, and abusive. A narcissistic personality is frequently the cause of severe relational problems. Your mental health and general well-being may suffer greatly if you interact with a narcissist. Because you are subjected to narcissistic abuse, depending on how much contact you have with a narcissist, it can frequently result in severe depression and anxiety. A dangerous mental illness is narcissism. Being around a narcissist is similar to breathing in the “secondhand smoke” of the narcissistic “smoke.” 

The following list of 30 characteristics of narcissism will help you understand it more clearly:

  1. Insufficient Empathy
  2. Majestic
  3. Rightful
  4. Deceptive
  5. Furious and enraged
  6. Anxious
  7. Intolerance
  8. Envious
  9. Absence of insight or guilt
  10. Requires constant recognition and Approval 
  11. Fabricating
  12. Everything is a Performance
  13. Prediction
  14. Selfish
  15. Cold in the emotions
  16. Gaslighting, which makes you think you’re “losing your mind,”
  17. Low-cost
  18. Never accepts accountability
  19. Empty
  20. Managing
  21. Capricious
  22. Regularly takes advantage of others or yourself
  23. The Mirroring of Others’ Misery
  24. Is not a fan of solitude
  25. Inadequate Limitations
  26. Adultery
  27. Ignores what they say
  28. Easily Breakable
  29. Ignorant
  30. Alluring


Ultimately, stepping away from the narcissist might be considered self-care. Sometimes restricting one’s exposure to the narcissist is sufficient. On the other hand, it can also indicate that the victim has chosen to stop seeing the narcissist. Knowing the signs of narcissism makes it a little simpler for the person to walk away. The indicators are cautions to the one who genuinely comprehends what a narcissist is all about.

Frequently Asked Questions About Narcissism Traits 

How does a narcissist treat a woman?

To make sure that their needs and desires are satisfied, they frequently use a range of narcissistic interpersonal patterns, including charm, manipulation, and exploitation.

Could a narcissist recover?

Although NPD cannot be cured, it can be controlled with medicine and counseling. The goal of treatment is to teach the person with NPD how to recognize their self-defeating patterns and replace them with more helpful coping strategies that promote stronger interpersonal relationships. 

What causes narcissism to exist?

Disorders of the Narcissistic Personality: Signs and Treatment

Narcissistic tendencies can arise as a result of childhood trauma, rejection, neglect, and a lack of support. parenting approach.  

How can one subdue a narcissist?

Consider the following advice if you are interacting with a narcissist:

Avoid direct conflict; stress that you must keep your word more than just make empty promises; establish boundaries; convince yourself that you are not to blame; reject their actions; acknowledge when you require outside help; and know when to call it quits on a relationship. 

In bed, are narcissists domineering?

Narcissists use sex and the appearance of emotion to control other people. They usually get satisfaction from displaying or withholding affection or sex to maintain their sense of control, which they enjoy.

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