My Husband is My Best Friend: 15 Best Reasons

There are benefits to having a best friend in addition to a romantic relationship or marriage, such as the ability to communicate honestly and vulnerably without worrying about expectations or criticism. You also must give something similar in return. Saying “my husband is my best friend” can refer to spending every moment of every day together, whether it’s going shopping together or just hanging out.  It’s a tall order to expect one person to be your lover, best friend, and confidante when you should spend time apart from other friends and maintain some mystery. This article explores the multiple reasons why my husband is my best friend let’s read with us. 

Why is your spouse your closest friend?  

Understanding that your romantic partnership is the main reason for your union and that your friendship is just a bonus distinguishes my husband as my best friend. A healthy best friendship is one in which you can have separate interests and friends, and you can still get together to share your experiences when you’re apart. This also applies to friendships with people you don’t know well; you don’t have to share everything. Every individual contributes something special to the partnership that sets it apart from others. When you can embrace those differences and keep the intimacy that characterizes a loving relationship that includes support, respect, and friendship. 

Are best friends suitable partners? 

Couples who are best friends make wonderful partners, but there has to be a careful balance kept between the two. You don’t want to lose sight of the fact that you are a passionate, in-love, sexual couple and instead let the friendship take center stage in your relationship. Let’s say you allow the friendship between the couple to dominate other areas of your union. If so, you might eventually allow the other components to fade and wonder what happened to the spark. 

Is it typical that my husband is my best friend?

A lot of girlfriends would say, and rightfully so, that my husband is my best friend. A true friendship blossoms when you spend happy and difficult times as well as ordinary days together. Nothing is wrong with you if you don’t develop the closeness or bond of a “best friend.” It just indicates that you are more focused on your romantic relationship, and that’s acceptable. Every relationship is different, and every couple develops their union differently.

Top 10 Reasons My Husband Is My Best Friend  

my husband is my best friend

It can make for the happiest marriage or relationship when you can say that you and your spouse have a healthy best-friend relationship, meaning you both have independence outside of the partnership and other meaningful friendships. It indicates that you have many amazing activities to enjoy together and engage in close, honest communication. In what way does my husband is my best friend? Now let’s read.

1. He loved and embraced me for who I truly am.

There are moments when I feel like the more he learns about me, the more he falls in love. And it’s genuinely one of the main reasons I adore him. We used to spend a lot of time together when we were just dating, and I think that’s how well we knew one another before we were even hitched. Since I am the one who knows me the best, I am fully aware of my imperfections.

2. A great deal of acceptance

Friendship isn’t defined by what someone does for or with you. Instead, it’s a deliberate but natural decision that you make based on values and interests that you both have in common. It’s not necessary to “think or plan” before deciding who to become friends with. Happy married couple Howard and Danielle, who are also YouTubers and the creators of Marriage on Deck, say that having high expectations for romantic relationships is only natural. “People frequently say things like, ‘I love my spouse but I don’t like him, indicating differences.'”

3. Encourage one another

This is crucial. Nothing compares to having the support of your loved ones. There will come a time in your marriage when you will have the opportunity to encourage or depress your husband. A marriage is an agreement that allows you to support each other’s dreams, even the crazy ones, share responsibilities, celebrate accomplishments, and work toward common goals.

4 He is concerned about my family

You can be certain that your partner loves you when they show you that they care about them and make an effort to win them over. It’s a tested truth and one more way that my incredible husband has shown me how much he cares. My in-laws are people I respect and care about, which is probably why our marriage works so well.

5. Friendship and love never fade

You can find reasons to be my best friend even when you’re unpleasant, primarily because your partner will put up with your bad attitude and everything else. Your partner would prefer to listen to you talk about what happened to cause this problem rather than try to solve it.

6. We have wonderful sex

The sexual spark fades over time, which is one of the reasons many marriages end in boredom. To rekindle it, it does require work. And what do you know? You ought to try that. It’s not always about the sex, either. It only takes a few intimate moments that show a great deal of comfort and no pretense to strengthen a husband and wife’s relationship. The bedroom can be made more interesting in a variety of ways. It’s critical that partners in a marriage respect one another’s need for sexual activity. Thus, make every effort to revive the arousal in your sexual life.

7. Make Room

While spending time together and doing activities together is vital, you shouldn’t suffocate one another in the process. When you both want to do two different things at the same time, go ahead and do it. Being your spouse’s best friend doesn’t require you to give up your preferences or desires. In a marriage, a little space is always regarded as beneficial. Being authentically yourself is also beneficial for helping your spouse see the true you. A healthy relationship is all about striking the right balance between your interests and activities you both enjoy doing together. Furthermore, taking some “me-time” together will not only revitalize your relationship but also increase your desire for one another’s company.

8. We divide the money.

My spouse is the main source of income, as he works two part-time jobs and stays at home with the kids. I am grateful that he puts in long, hard hours to provide for our daughters and me. He gives food and shelter. He also allows us to update our wardrobes and go on vacations. I am aware that, because my husband is my best friend, we can share money without fear or doubt.

9. Don’t take rage to bed.

Love doesn’t remember wrongdoing. Keeping grudges against one another is detrimental to both of you and your relationship. Bitterness and hatred creep into our lives when we harbor grudges. You don’t want to feel that way about the man you swear to love until the day you die. Whoa! Don’t go to bed upset, either. Don’t linger on a quarrel or argument for too long; instead, move on quickly.

10. We follow a strict code of conduct 

Any relationship requires a certain level of discipline to be maintained. By doing this, you can be sure that you value each other. Maintaining a routine or discipline with your spouse comes naturally when he is your best friend. “No matter what, my Sunday brunches will always be spent with my husband.” “On Sundays, we spend time together; on other days, we are free to meet with others. It’s the least I can do for my best friend, my husband. 


It’s critical to seek counseling if you’re unhappy or worried that a friendship isn’t developing in your marriage or partnership. You might be able to save what you already have. When someone expresses that they are unhappy or don’t always get along with their spouse, that’s a cry for assistance. This ultimate guide to why my husband is my best friend may be helpful for many wives who want to grow their relationship. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can my husband and I become best friends?

Treating your husband like a friend will make you two best friends. You have common interests, don’t keep secrets from one another, have a regular schedule for spending quality time together, and appreciate and value each other’s contributions. Your husband will not make fun of you. That’s how you end up being your husband’s closest buddy.

Is your spouse able to see everything you do?

As long as your husband is your best friend and not just your spouse, then you can share anything with him. It all comes down to how honest and trustworthy your marriage is. You and your husband ought to be able to discuss anything.

Is friendship a crucial component of matrimony?

Since friendship is the foundation of all other elements in a marriage, including trust, honesty, love, affection, and care, it is the most crucial component. Why not your spouse, with whom you exchange vows at marriage, possess all these attributes as well?

Can we both be spouses and friends?

Yes, it is possible to have a friendship with your spouse based on your honesty and level of trust. Additionally, spending time with your spouse can be as simple as spending time with your best friend if you both share the same interests, tastes, and fundamental beliefs. 

Why is friendship important in a marriage?

There is nothing better than being best friends with your spouse. After all, a solid friendship between the husband and wife is the cornerstone of a happy and long-lasting marriage.


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