How to Flirt with a Guy: 12 Essential Tips For Couples

A useful skill to attract anyone is flirting. You can learn how to flirt with a guy by reading our post. You come across as self-assured and attractive when you flirt. Therefore, flirting is the best way to get a guy you like to pay attention to you. Making your first flirtatious conversation happen in real life can be stressful for some people, even though it’s simple to envision how you want it to go in your head Continue reading to learn how to flirt both in person and over text with a guy. This article will examine the best ways to flirt with a guy. 

Five useful tips on how to approach a guy in person and flirt 

Flirtation can be both exhilarating and frightening. Here are five easy yet powerful ways to make eye contact and flirt with a guy in person:

  • To show interest and confidence, make eye contact and hold his gaze for a brief moment.
  • Sincere laughter and smiles can be very alluring and welcoming.
  • During a conversation, subtle touches and kisses on his arm or shoulder can establish a rapport.
  • Tell him how much you like the way he looks or something you truly like about him.
  • You can maintain a flirtatious and enjoyable conversation by poking fun at yourself and demonstrating your interest and sense of humor.

How to flirt with a guy: 12 ways 

how to flirt with a guy

One of the best ways to express your interest in a guy is to flirt, which can take place through texts, in person, or even across a crowded room. To flirt with a guy, you don’t need to be courting or just start dating him. Simply choose what feels right and start flirting. Here are 12 different ways to flirt with a guy, in person, over the phone, or through texts, regardless of your level of experience:

1. Make eye contact

Not for nothing are the eyes referred to as the “windows to the soul.” It’s one of the easiest ways for us to show someone we’re attracted to. We are often so drawn to the person who has captured our interest that we are unaware that we are engaging in this behavior. If you want him to know that you are intentionally establishing a connection with him, make sure you are maintaining eye contact with him for five seconds. Most people will look someone in the eye and not give it much thought. Try using your eyes to communicate with him while you maintain eye contact. If you’re attracted to him, it will most likely show through. 

2. Grin

Another way to flirt with a guy is to smile at him once you’ve established eye contact, or even while you’re doing so. A foolproof flirting tactic that shows him you’re approachable and available is to smile while maintaining eye contact with him or to smile and then quickly look away. Continue grinning at him if you see him frequently, so he knows you’re acting with intention. Attempt to save a particular smile just for him. It may seem absurd, but if he perceives your smile as friendly rather than flirtatious, he may conclude that you are not flirting. So give him a flirtatious, coy smile of yours.

3. Pose meaningful queries

One way to express your interest in your crush is to ask questions. According to Vitale, “A big part of flirting is being curious.” Demonstrating sincere interest in someone else not only makes them feel good about themselves and want to be around you, but it also helps you get to know them better, which will make future conversations more natural. Asking them about a band they’re into or a sports jersey they’re sporting is a great way to strike up a conversation and express your interest in learning more about their passions and interests. Vitale advises attempting to determine the areas of overlap between your interests.

4. Employ nuanced body language

One way to let someone know you’re interested is to make small, subtle gestures like lightly brushing your hand against theirs while you’re walking, tapping them on the arm when they make you laugh, or touching their arm during a conversation. There are a ton of non-touch cues you can use to show someone you’re interested in them, like smiling, laughing at their jokes, holding eye contact (see below), and leaning in or facing them. But as Vitale explains, it’s crucial to pay attention to body language to gain a better understanding of someone’s level of comfort with physical contact.

5. Make a humorous statement.

Men love women who can laugh, so be carefree. Playfully engage his attention with your humor. If you’re funny, he’ll be interested in what you have to say. Talk about shared interests. Tell him, for example, “It seems like the Lannisters must detest turtles.” You could respond, “Because they cannot stab them in the back,” to his “why” question. He might want to chat with you more if he laughs, which indicates that he enjoyed his time with you.

6. Boost Your Self-Belief

Have you ever noticed that the person who attracts a guy’s attention in a room isn’t always the one who is “most physically attractive”? Yes, because the girl who commands the most attention usually does so when she exudes confidence. So embrace your inner femme fatale, but keep in mind that you don’t have to strive to be flawless, the most attractive, or the sexiest woman present. You should completely remove the word “perfection” from your vocabulary. Taking care of “you” comes first when building dating confidence; the rest will follow. Put on something special and exude your best scent.  

7. Give him a tender touch

When you feel comfortable with him, you can make a small physical contact. Gently touch his arm or shoulder while you’re speaking to him, then take a few seconds to move your hand away. You could get him to open up to you more with your flirtatious touch. He’ll flirt back with you if he likes you too. 

8. Allow him to know that you are aware of him.

Usually, you might feel uncomfortable and quickly turn away from someone when they catch you staring at them. However, you can be a little more overt when you’re flirting. Look him in the eye if you are in a crowded room. When your eyes meet him, don’t take your eyes off him. Even in a busy place, he would feel drawn to you and connected by that. Make your eyes flirtatious rather than ominous. 

9. Be truthful and direct.

It’s not necessary to approach your crush and blatantly ask if they like you or express your feelings for them. Try hinting at them that you’re interested in telling them how much fun you had at a recent party or how much they make you laugh. Or, if you think you two are compatible and sense a mutual attraction, it might be worth asking your crush if they’d like to get together more. Mention that you and your friends are heading to the beach after school and would love for them to join you. It could also be completely informal.

10. Join forces to dance.

Find ways to dance with your crush whenever you two are at a party or a club. It can ease his anxiety and heighten it between the two of you. Dancing has the power to break down formality’s walls and boost emotions. 

11. Mention posts on social media.

Discussing something that the guy has posted on social media is a good way to strike up a conversation. To build rapport and familiarity, you can make fun of him or compliment him on it. It can break the ice because it’s informal and yet intimate. They will be aware that you are keeping an eye on their internet activity. Additionally, you may validate and approve of the same by talking about it. It’s simple to flirt with a guy without coming across as overt by saying that you liked the caption of their post. 

12. Give Him Consistent Praise

A compliment is the first move in flirting with a guy. It all depends on how you give him compliments. The majority of compliments are flawed because most people give them incorrectly. Let’s say you have feelings for someone and you want them to know you. You wish to express it. You want to highlight particular qualities in them. Consider it this way. Make sure your compliment is directed towards something they can relate to about themselves if you want them to accept it. For instance, unless they underwent eye surgery, someone who was born with stunning eyes did not need to work very hard to acquire those eyes. 


This isn’t significant, but it serves as a reminder to keep things in perspective while interacting with men. Take pleasure in the discussion, but be ready to end it sooner than you would like. Always leave them wanting more. 

Everything you need to flirt with a guy without actually flirting is in these steps on how to flirt with a guy! You’ll notice a difference as soon as you have one of these conversations. 

Some people are naturally good at flirting, while others need to practice. Just keep in mind that when you flirt with a guy, you should be yourself and not be nervous. Texting is another way to flirt with a guy in addition to doing it in person. Continue having a stimulating conversation. Never forget to maintain eye contact. All these ways how to flirt with a guy are very helpful for girls. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How should you flirt with a guy via text?

Your crush will reply to your flirtatious texts quickly if you use the advice provided below.

  • Don’t just say “hey.” Make a compelling first impression.
  • Pose inquiries
  • Show off your humorous side.
  • Give them your compliments.
  • Employ emojis
  • Steer clear of the triple text.
  • Avoid ghosting
How is it possible to flirt innocuously?

Using light humor, sincere compliments, and lighthearted discussion are all effective ways to flirt. Establish eye contact and be genuine; people find this appealing.

Which four phrases ought you to use when speaking with a man?

“I love you a lot.” “You are so smart.” “Rip my clothes off.” These three four-word phrases are certainly enjoyable to hear from a spouse, and I’m very sure that most guys I know would agree, but there’s one more that transcends them all: “You make me happy.”

Which five actions fit the definition of flirting?

Conclusions and Summary Research has shown that there are five main types of flirting: physical, sincere, playful, traditional, and polite.  The expression of interest through movement is linked to the physical style. Sincere attempts to establish an emotional connection are linked to this style.

What are some flirtatious words for flirting with a guy?

flirtatious texts for him in the morning to flirt with a guy

  • Good morning! 
  • Last night, you were in my dreams.
  • I like my day more with you in it.
  • You’ve already given me some thought. I sense it.
  • I’m having trouble focusing today.
  • I can’t wait to feel your arms envelop me once more.
  • Touch is my love language.
  • You’re the man of my dreams.


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