How to Identify Conditional Love in Relationship: 10 Signs


One kind of love that is contingent on certain requirements or expectations is called conditional love. It implies that certain things, such as your actions, accomplishments, or behavior, will determine how much your partner loves you. Continue reading to discover the warning signs if you feel your partner’s love is conditional. I made this list to assist you in finding meaning in your emotions. Giving you the confidence and clarity to feel empowered to make changes. You are worthy of unwavering love! This article will explore the meanings and different signs of conditional love, among many others.

What is meant by conditional love?

If you’re wondering what conditional love means, it means that there are conditions attached to someone’s love. To put it another way, there are some situations in which they might quit loving you. A parent may give a child one instance of conditional love. Maybe your mother assured you that if you achieved good grades, she would love you and be proud of you. This suggests that if you receive a poor grade, she might stop showing you love. Studies indicate that children who receive unwavering love or attention can succeed in various domains of life, including education.

In a relationship, conditional love vs. unconditional love

A conditional love relationship means that someone will only love you if you fulfill certain requirements. This could include your income, the way you treat them, or your appearance. Examples of conditional love are when someone says they will only love you if you maintain your physical appearance or when your significant other says you need to continue working if you want to stay with them. When someone loves you unconditionally, it means they will support you regardless of your actions or your circumstances.  If you’re not wealthy, it’s probably because they love you without conditions. Their love for you has no conditions attached to it. 

Conditional Love in Relationships: 10 Signs

If you’re wondering what conditional love is, you might want to know how to recognize it in a relationship. These fifteen indicators can give you a hint.

1. Your Achievements Must Be for Their Benefit

Your partner’s interest in your success is one of the telltale signs that your relationship is founded on conditional love. Especially if it serves their interests in some way. For instance, they might only be in favor of your professional objectives. It benefits them if they are using the additional money.  This kind of behavior demonstrates that their support and love are conditional on their ability to benefit from the relationship, rather than being unconditional. Irrespective of the potential advantages for them, you deserve a partner who will nurture and support you.

2. Unique experiences are rare

You could have noticed that there aren’t many memorable moments when you have love conditionally. Simple activities like watching a movie or having dinner together can be enjoyable. When you spend time with your significant other in a healthy relationship, With this kind of love, little things might not be able to strengthen your relationship or give you more confidence in it. Think about whether it’s enjoyable to simply hang out or whether you enjoy spending time together alone. If you can’t recall the last time you had a good time together, this could be concerning.

3. Ignoring Your Limitations

You have the right to refuse. Therefore, you have the chance to establish more firm boundaries for yourself. If your partner doesn’t respect your personal space and time, It can be challenging to set limits, particularly When the other person isn’t accustomed to you saying no. However, you are free to take back control. It is best to concentrate on healing the solar plexus chakra if you require assistance in this area. Your sense of self-worth, power, and confidence resides in this energy center. As you become more deserving of respect, you will instinctively defend your limits out of self-love.

4. Spending Time Alone Is Stressful

It should be enjoyable and fulfilling to spend time together in a healthy relationship. Thus, it’s also a warning sign if you find it difficult to spend time alone with your partner. Another red flag is if your partner only expresses their love for you in public or around specific individuals. This behavior implies that they care more about their public image than the quality of your relationship. Your gut feeling is an intuitive kind of knowing. It is safe to trust your feelings if you experience stress, anxiety, or just something is not quite right when you’re with your partner alone. To establish a stronger connection with your intuitive guidance, you can practice third-eye exercises.

5. You have to prove something all the time

Another obvious sign of conditional love in a relationship is if you feel like you have to prove your love, affection, and loyalty to each other daily. They may employ strategies like “You can’t cancel your night out because you don’t love me anymore” or “You’d get me that jewelry if you loved me.’’ They’ll subtly influence your thoughts and make you feel inferior for resisting their requests.

6. You don’t talk to people

Having a conversation with your spouse shouldn’t be challenging. Anytime you find it difficult to communicate with your partner or feel anxious about what you might say or whether they will be offended if you express your true feelings, there is probably a communication gap between you. In any relationship, communication can be difficult at first, but it can get better with some practice and a mutual willingness to listen.

7. No one can be compromised

Of course, there are situations when a partner won’t give in. No matter the subject, they have to always have their way and are unable to accept your viewpoint or pay attention to your opinions. If this describes your partner, you are probably in a relationship where there is conditional love. Your partner might end the relationship if you aren’t always meeting their needs. 

conditional love

8. You lack confidence

This could make you feel insecure about your relationship, depending on how your partner treats you and views their relationship with you.  If you’re trying to make them happy. So they won’t stop loving you, you may already have a deep-seated sense that their love is conditional. Living in constant fear of your relationship ending can be stressful and detrimental to your general health.

9. They cheat you

One way to describe conditional love is if you have ever brought up any concerns with your partner and they have attempted or been successful in gaslighting you as a result. Remember that not all relationships involve gaslighting. So if this is happening to you, keep in mind that it may be a form of emotional abuse in certain situations.

A relationship ought to be a collaboration between you and your partner, allowing You are free to express your differences and even disagree when necessary.

10. You’re having mental health issues

You may be receiving conditional love, which could be the reason behind your feelings about mental health concerns. When you lack love and support from your partner or when he or she talks down to you, you may feel low self-esteem. Your partner’s treatment of you may also be the cause of your depression, particularly If they continuously criticize you and make an effort to make you feel horrible about yourself,


A person in a relationship could experience conditional love in a variety of circumstances. If this is occurring in yours, the above advice will help you identify it. But you might also want to know what you can do about it. Inform them that you are unhappy with the way they are treating you. They may be unaware of how unfair they are and are prepared to adjust. They might be knowledgeable about the topic and be able to offer you helpful advice. In summary, it’s critical to realize that conditional love is not necessary. Unconditional love, or true love, has many positive effects on your body and mind.

Frequently Asked Question

  1. What advantages does conditional love offer?

“Conditional love” is a framework that strengthens our investment in this relationship rather than a method or procedure. Conditional love inspires you to improve yourself. A part of you will always want to do things to win the other person over.

  1. What kind of love in a relationship is conditional?

Examples of conditional love are when someone says they will only love you if you maintain it. Your physical appearance or when your significant other says you need to continue working if you want to stay with them When someone loves you unconditionally, it means they will support you regardless of your actions or your circumstances.

  1. What makes true love stipulative?

When people in romantic relationships share lifestyle choices that foster comfort and pleasure and accept each other’s needs, desires, and beliefs, they show each other conditional love. Conditional love, however, can be swiftly withdrawn or ended if requirements are not fulfilled or broken, in contrast to unconditional love.

  1. What does true love require to be true?

Since we are made of true love, true love is always unconditional when viewed through a spiritual lens. We are loved regardless of what we do or do not do during our human existence because, like every other person, we are made of pure love.

  1. Does a relationship work well with conditional love?

Couples have an opportunity when they accept that healthy love is always conditional, even though this may seem surprising at first. Couples can be completely open to the investment that permanence demands if they can accept that one partner has the right to leave if circumstances become unsafe.


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