20 Ways That Make Guys Jealous

When they get into a relationship or get married, some guys lose interest in life and stop trying. In these kinds of circumstances, you can rouse him from his sleep by instilling in him a sense of needing to have you around. Are you wondering, though, how to enrage him? Checking out our content will provide you with some helpful advice. Feeling a little jealous might be beneficial in a boring relationship.

Use these simple jealousy methods to win back your boyfriend or husband’s appreciation if they haven’t been able to since they’ve been too busy or unavailable lately. To gauge his response, you could start by chatting with someone or laughing at texts. Jealousy, however, has two sides, so if you don’t handle it carefully, things may go out of control. So, choose your actions carefully.

What Does a Guy’s Jealousy Signify?  

It’s crucial to provide some background information before we look at the male jealousy symptoms that we will cover in this post. What makes guys jealous? A man’s jealousy can take many different forms. But the most prevalent underlying reason for a man to display jealousy is that he perceives himself as being endangered. A man may become envious of someone whom he perceives as a rival or threat and who is about to win your love and attention.  The entire “getting jealous thing” is not that noteworthy. Men frequently display “male territorial body language,” which is their method of projecting an image of dominance and warding off any form of rivalry. 

Does a Guy Have Feelings If He Becomes Jealous? 

Yes, that is the short answer to this. In particular, if you’ve sensed a guy has feelings for you when you start observing his jealousy symptoms, it’s because he does. If a guy thinks you’re merely a platonic buddy, he probably won’t become envious and start showing the symptoms we cover in this article. You would want to closely observe the other indications that he is envious of you giving others your time and attention before making up your mind, though. 

20 Ways That Make Guys Jealous 

Here are some ideas to make your man envious. Some are kind, some are mischievous, and some are downright evil. I hope these pointers help you entice him back and bring the passion back into your relationship.

1. Take your Ladies Out

When their girl goes out with her gang, men get envious. Since they are not with you, they are unaware of what happens on these excursions, and they might want to spy. They become uneasy as a result. Get all dolled up and take your friends out on a romantic date night. Refrain from answering your man’s calls right away when you’re hanging out with your buddies. After a call or two, answer and have a quick conversation with him. Continue talking to him, telling him how much you are enjoying yourself without him.

2. Display your Social Connections

All set to turn your partner green with envy? The greatest strategy we know is this: flaunt your social life! Imagine yourself sharing amazing photos of yourself having a great time with your friends, attending amazing events, and traveling to the most fashionable places. He’ll wonder if he’s missing out on all the excitement, in addition to feeling excluded. We assure you that he will want to be invited again in the future. So get ready to show off your amazing life and wish he was there to witness it!

3. Getting Dressed 

In a long-distance relationship, it may not always be the best idea to make your lover jealous, but if he hasn’t returned your calls for three days in a row, it might be worth a try. Since he’s seen the photos, dressing sensually for a party will work. Is there a dress with no back that you’re afraid to wear? Apply it and create a smokey eye. He will pass out, believing that he is missing out on it. The thought of all the males staring at you will kill him. In the end, healthy jealousy is not always a terrible thing.

4. Glide Toward a Favorite Celebrity

Surprisingly, talking about your celebrity obsession can make your partner envious. Because my dad had a huge poster of Meryl Streep in his bedroom when he was a college student, my mom still doesn’t like the actress. As ridiculous as it may sound, swooning over celebrity crushes might make your new lover envious in a cute way. Additionally, since the issue will never get out of control with this benign technique, you don’t have to worry about “I tried to make him jealous, and it backfired.”

5. Fetish With other Men Lightly

Let’s talk about a tried-and-true tactic that will make any male envious: making small talk with other guys! Yes, nothing makes a guy feel more envious than witnessing you win over other guys, particularly if he has something for you. A seductive side glance, or perhaps an additional grin now and then. Put on your best outfit and wait for the right opportunity to spend time with your particular someone. It’s time to employ your additional move if he’s ignoring you. Thus, the next time you’re at a party, have a small conversation with a man directly in front of your significant other. Just keep in mind that pushing it too far could backfire. 

6. Be Cordial with his Pals.

A guy can be extremely territorial when it comes to his pack. Give one of his crew members more attention to prove to him how valuable you are, and then watch as he asks a flurry of inquisitive questions about what’s going on. First, a warning: I’ve witnessed close calls between couples whose spouses went beyond this. I strongly advise speaking with one of the knowledgeable coaches at Relationship Hero if you need professional guidance on how to proceed without going too far. They can advise you on how to handle this circumstance so that it doesn’t damage your bond. They won’t result in anything other than a closer bond between you two.

7. Ignore a Couple of Dates.

It’s not always essential, and there are occasions when it’s crucial to give up certain date evenings. When you are always there for someone, that person starts to take advantage of you. You have to tell him you have plans with pals or that you have to miss a few dates with a business excuse to make him envious.

8. Makeup that Someone Asked You Out.

If someone else has, that would be fantastic, but if not, please prepare a tale of how this ruggedly attractive or cute guy asked you out. Use caution when crafting the description, keeping in mind that you need to avoid getting bogged down in details. Sometimes, even the most self-assured men are shaken by this small deception.

9. Bring Up Your Ex

Only proceed if you feel at ease discussing your ex-boyfriend. Men might get complacent in a long-term relationship at times. They may stop paying you the attention they once did because they begin to think you are not going away. You can make your man envious by talking about your ex. But do not utter things like “I miss him” or “I miss the way he took care of me.” It might backfire and make things worse. Simply bring him up casually in a conversation, and watch his desire for you return.

10. Congratulate His Boyfriend

To make your spouse envious and more competitive, find out how his friend is doing and give him lots of compliments. He’ll wonder why you’re seeing his friend’s kindness instead of his. If anything, he’ll want to prove to you how superior he is. In the next few days, expect to witness some behavioral shifts from him.

11. Keep yourself Occupied

In a relationship, quality time spent with one another is highly valued. If you don’t spend time with him, he will become envious. Make sure you’re occupied and involved in other activities. Put himself in a position where he can only spend time with you; soon, he’ll become bored without you. Let’s look at some of the various situations in which you might make a guy envious at different times.

12. Never Seek His Assistance

Are you accustomed to having your partner assist you with all the heavy lifting around the house, such as car washes and light bulb replacements? Either learn to perform these tasks on your own or, better yet, assign them to someone else. Tell him you completed it without his assistance. He will experience insecurity because he won’t be needed for his assigned job any longer. He’ll start working harder on the duties as a result, as will you. 

13. When he Flirts, don’t Respond.

He’ll go crazy for this. Reacting when he ends up repeating the same corny lines won’t help you. How can you use texting to make your guy envious? Show no interest in his flirtatious texts. He will become extremely envious, believing that he must put in more effort and that he won’t always be able to do as he pleases. He can also be curious as to whether you’ve recently met someone. This could inspire him to use his jealousy as fuel to improve as a boyfriend.

14. When He is Speaking, Use Your Phone.

If he hasn’t been listening well lately, follow his rules for a few days and see how he responds. Like him, dig into Instagram, reply to conversations, or answer work calls when he’s trying to express something essential. Refrain from offering him the complete focus that he has grown accustomed to receiving from you. Take a break from trying to figure out how to treat him better as a girlfriend. He’ll go crazy for this.

15. Talk about Your Infatuation with a Famous Person.

Even if it’s very impossible to become a celebrity, your man will still be envious of them. Any man who hears his girlfriend gushing about how wonderful an actress or model is or how handsome they find them is certain to start doubting his looks. Who knows, maybe this will make your man even more envious of you. It can be the push he needs to gain your respect and improve his image in your eyes.

16. Have a Lot of Fun with Your Male Friends.

This is the best option if you and your boyfriend are out at a party and you want to make him envious of you. All you have to do is stop hanging on to your guy and spend more time with your guy buddies. You can pose for photos with them or take shots of them while hugging them. When you are both at the same party, will you be able to accept the fact that your partner is treating other girls with more importance? We all know the answer to that is a resounding no. 

17. Give Yourself something, Then Act as Though

In front of him, send yourself a beautiful arrangement of flowers and pretend you have no idea who sent it. Play the shocked card to make your man envious.

18. Follow your Passion

Make sure you give your interest more time and spend less time with him. If your relationship is long-term, he will be accustomed to your attention, but when something else takes precedence over you, he won’t be able to handle it lightly.

19. Exude Self-Assurance and Self-Reliance.

Are you curious about how to turn a guy green with envy? It all comes down to independence and self-assurance! You have to demonstrate that you are a badass lady who is independent of other people’s approval or attention. The truth is that your partner won’t perceive you as a threat if you are always clinging to them and depending on them for everything. However, if you have a busy social life, interests, and hobbies of your own, he’ll start to see that other people are drawn to you as well.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s crucial to pay attention to your spouse as well. However, you should ensure that your life is complete and interesting outside of your relationship.

20. Show Off Your Amazing Accomplishments

Inform him that you have a large following. Show off your ambition and success—there’s nothing more attractive than that! Have a fantastic party and post some amazing photos to social media Plaforms, but watch out not to overdo it. Women who are comfortable with their skin and don’t mind showing it off to men are highly admired. Prove to him that you’re a powerful, self-reliant lady who doesn’t require approval from others. He’ll turn green with envy if he’s not the one. That will undoubtedly make him envious. He will be happy with your accomplishments if he truly wants the best for you.


Now pay attention, because I have some warnings for you. Be cautious when playing with jealousy, since it can be dangerous. We don’t want any miscommunications to throw anything off, do we? The truth is that, in a happy and balanced relationship, making a guy envious can be a lot of pleasure. But wait! Never use jealousy as a covert means of coercion or manipulation with your partner. No, our values here are integrity and decency. What happens if you apply these pointers and techniques politely and healthfully?

Your bond will become even more robust and satisfying. Before you start doing these moves, talk to your guy for a long time. Come to an understanding of the direction this partnership is going. Because, dear buddy, love should never be a jealousy game. It’s a celebration of the union of two amazing people.

Frequently Asked Questions

What behaviors do men exhibit during jealousy?

A guy who is jealous of you could be possessive of you, say hurtful things, and become easily enraged. Some may give up texting you and ignore you, while others might make a valiant effort to be extremely endearing.

Why would a girl want to arouse a man’s jealousy?

To capture a guy’s attention, a girl could try to incite jealousy in him. She may be trying to make the guy chase her by seeming narcissistic. To find out if a man has affection for her, a girl could also attempt to incite jealousy in him.

How can I make a guy jealous with texts?

You can text him to tell him you’re having fun out with a guy. You might even tell him about a friend you had in elementary school or a senior in college you liked. Telling him how much you love your celebrity crush or complimenting another guy you know is another technique to make him jealous over text.

Which two feelings constitute jealousy?

Fear or feelings of insecurity are common causes of jealousy. It’s critical to have empathy for your loved one during these trying times. Discuss openly what makes them jealous and what adjustments can make them feel less irritated.

Is it possible for jealousy to hurt you?

However, envy and jealousy can be extremely harmful to individuals as well as organizations when they spiral out of control. For example, attempting to “get even” with someone who recently received a promotion is unlikely to improve the situation. However, it might make everyone’s experience at work extremely miserable, including yours.

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